Saturday, October 3, 2009

Taxes and Services

A recent Letter to the Editor:

“You get what you pay for.” It is an accepted fact of life. You do not get a penthouse for $300 a month nor can you expect a top of the line luxury sedan on the cheap. We accept this in every facet of our lives except one- Government. Why is that?
I am hearing quite the uproar about the possibility of a new prepared food tax, Tea Party protesters have marched on Washington and April 15th is the grumpiest day of the year. When are the taxpayers of America going to start acting like adults? Every tax is met with a groan and complaint but demand for services from the government continue to swell. If we want fewer taxes we have to decide what we are going to quit asking for. Shall the FDA quit researching whether drugs are safe? Are you going to explain to the policemen who guard your family that you didn’t want t pay the tax to keep their cars running, much less for a Kevlar vest? Which of us is going to demand fire service while explaining we don’t want to pay for the truck and the good people risking their lives deserve to be paid less than the fellow who mows your lawn?
As long as Americans continue to assault and berate our elected officials by demanding services while insisting taxes be lowered we will never have the best and brightest in leadership positions of government and we will never get the best out of those officials we have.

1 comment:

  1. Income taxes make Americans lie more than politicians. Over the last 10 years, the character of our national politics has become dominated, even overwhelmed, by the loss of American prosperity. You get what you pay for and politicians are astonishingly quick at responding to what their constituents do and incredibly slow at reacting to what we say. The quality of life we have come to enjoy is paid by taxes and our elected officials - and officials that watch and listen, (in MOST cases) stay elected. You do not get a penthouse for $300 a month in America but you can other places. Would you rather live there?

    And, a side question… Veterinarians often deliver identical medications and services offered by physicians - at ten to a hundred times less. Why is that again?
