Thursday, September 17, 2009

Haiku, Zen and the Politics of Politics

Lost economy
Like characters on some isle.
Is it all a dream?

Bi-racial Nazi?
Surely not even Glenn Beck
Believes this horse shit

Universal health?
What a national nightmare!
How goes that Oil War?

Democracy dies
If enough people believe
Instead of thinking

Pimps run for Congress
Family Values for sale
Urinal cake smell

Our own FCC
Stares at Janet Jackson’s boob
To protect us all

Health care somehow means
Boners for old men to use
But not birth control.


  1. Good evening, uh, MCPW. First off, that is one really great series of mind-blowing haiku. I stand(sit) in awe.

    I got here from the link at alsih2o's profile. If this is that entity then I'm here to bow in your presence agai-ow, nope, back's not gonna let me. Your response to the Values Voters-link was superb. "Stop the presses!", indeed. Thanks for the on the spot relief from that ridiculous NPR religious blather.

    I'd like to send the haiku set to every member of Congress, and have them repeat it to their constituents, then I can die happy. hehehe.

  2. Hey, thanks, Trog! Which alsih2o profile did you follow to here? Fark or one of the lesser visible versions?
